Monday, June 30, 2008

a few places on target for a little r&r at points in the future

somewherez, indonesia (hi anna!)


new zealand would be a nice starting point.

australia with a light dusking of sunset
fiji under the sun

tahiti under the moon

while not in the southpacific, vietnam is still dope!
new zealand is but one of the testaments to the beauty of this planet...indeed...

easter island need no co-signer

decisionz in percision

what weight do our decisions hold? i suppose that question is as subjective as asking how beautiful a random painting is. life comes at us at a million miles per millisecond, and doesn't really care how ready we are for its twists, turns, curvatures, indents, bends, reversals, or infrequent stops. how we make those decisions shape who we are i suppose. many centuries ago a man sat at the base of a hill and decided he had to end another persons life. his decision could have help affect the price of rubies at the close of the market on friday. let me not get into chaos theory though. tough decision making comes with the territory of being human. and while hurting someone is not the M.O in most occasions, it tends to happen from time to time. suffice to say the ultimate decision making comes from those who travel with a clear conscious. truth is, sometimes you get what you ask for, and you realize that running your thoughts wild into the universe actually has an impact on it. most people dismiss this as coincidence however. yet others feel the vibration when it comes back, but still remain confused as to what to do, even though their wish/want/prayer, came back to them as they asked. suffice to say if you were trapped on a desert island with a tiger bearing its two paws down on your shoulders ready to rip your face off, you would plead, even if only in your thoughts, for your life. but then, what would YOU then eat? seems like it would be an important decision you would have to make at that point.

Friday, June 27, 2008


It has occurred to me that men, whether in the face of adversity or not, tend to intensely enjoy hearing themselves speak. They do this so much so, their thoughts tend to be drowned out in favor of the sound of their own voices. If this continues, it becomes very hard to contain, and festers like a disease. It corrupts logical thought, and becomes an addiction. To fall victim to such a thing, seems similar to that of speaking of the delights of a great meal, yet never being able to actually taste its delights.