Sunday, December 28, 2008


I started reading this book recently, and came across a very powerful quote.  Have you ever read something and said; "thats EXACTLY what I've been saying", but its the first time you've ever read what you read?  Confused.  If so, stop reading here.  

The Starting Point

It would be foolish to study more advanced subjects before we are familiar with the starting point, the nature of ego. Speculations about the goal become mere fantasy. These specualtions may take the form of advanced ideas and descriptioins of spiritual experiences, but they only exploit the weaker aspects of human nature, our expectations and desires to see and hear something colorful, something extraordinary. If we begin to study with those dreams of extraordinary, "enlightening", and dramatic experiences, then we will build up our expectations and preconceptions so that later, when we are actually working on the path, our minds will be occupied largely with what will be instead of what is. It is destructive and not fair to play on people's weaknesses, their expectations, and dreams, rather than present the realistic starting point of what they are. It is necessary, therefore, to start on what we are and why we are searching.

-Chogyam Trungpa


Monday, December 22, 2008

Hip Hop has a very euphoric feeling upon a person sometimes.  I've been a fan for many years now.  My little girl even listens to a real dumbed down version of it (don't worry, she's trying to work out of it.. she just doesn't know it  But back to Hip Hop.  Like I said, I've been a listener and participator in Hip Hop music since around 1979 when my boy Daryl was listening to Planet Rock where we lived in East Elmhurst, Queens.  I think it was "Little" Daryl, Daryl, Martin, Craig, or Jonathan (one or the other because they both weren't there together hardly ever), and me.  We were in the front of Daryl's house and it was playing on a box.  Then my cousins would let me dj with them as well.  I just remember not ever getting enough of it.  It, next to hotwheels, were the first addictions I can remember.  In the late 1980's, a group by the name of EPMD came out though.  First time I heard them was on Mr. Magic's Rap Attack on 107.5 WBLS.  that was truly an epic time.  The song was, "It's my thing".  Then I saw the video for "Strictly Business", and they officially became my favorite Hip Hop group.  At this time in life, I think it was 88', I took KRS-ONE's disses to Queens quite personal, even though moms pops had decided to take vestige in upstate New York at the time.  We were only an hour from the city though, so it wasn't too bad.  I had lost touch with most of my "city" friends, and made new ones upstate.  Still loved Hip Hop though.  And as long as we could bootleg the cable line from the box, and plug it in to my pops' receiver and get the "city" stations for free, we were good!  We being my cousin who came to live with us, and my twin baby brothers.  My youngest brother was still pretty young so he didn't worry about recording shows.  We used to have the sickest mixtapes from friday and saturday night.  

I've seen a lot of my icons in this long journey I've taken with Hip Hop, my generation's, music.  Wu, X-Clan, Leaders, Boot Camp, Mos, Roots, De La, Slick Rick, Nas, Gangstar, Rakim, and Brand Nubian (w/0 Puba) to name a few.  I've never seen EPMD.  Just never went to see them back in the day.  Its the kind of thing that makes you want to kick yourself sometimes.  But then as I think back, all the crap that took place when they went through their break up, soured the whole deal too.  They quickly fell in my ranks during that time.  Tribe took their place (I STILL haven't seen them!).  I got a chance to finally see these brothas after 20 years of listening to their music.  Felt real good too.  I have to admit, when I heard they were going to be in town, I had to jump on that.  Plus I DJ'ed the event with my boy E.  So I suppose I can add another legendary group to my list of "seen".  Much respect EPMD crew!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Many people are addicted to finding differences between themselves and other people.  This often times does not make much sense, and only feeds the demon of uniqueness which is married to the ego, attached to the soul.  Whether one feels unique as opposed to everyone else, or similar, one thing holds true above it all; we are all very much different, yet very much the same.  

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a walk with the unattainable...

Travelling through the planetz often times yield some very strange findings.  Some planetz are inviting, and others hostile.  Some planetz go through shifting seasonz, while others stay the same all year round.  I like dealing with the planetz that go through their shifting seasonz, because it adds a sense of excitement to them.  You never get the same old planet over, and over again.  But this writing isn't about the planetz I like or dislike, it is simply an observation to another type of planet that I have come into contact with over the last couple of years.  The unattainable.  

The thing about the unattainable planetz is they're aura and mystic.
  It adds to their allure and constantly doubles over on itself creating an increased sense of increased aura, also giving back to the mystic, which continues to grow exponentially if you know what I mean.  If you do not, then I will explain.  If aura and mystic add to the allure of a planet, the allure in turn adds to the aura and mystic, and
 continue to grow until one is overwhelmed.  I've seen it in action from a subjective point of view, and as a victim as well.  The word victim shouldn't be taken in a negative connotation either, as it simply describes  how I was at a point where I could not be subjective any longer, falling "victim" to defending the planet and its actions.  This however, isn't about falling victim or being subjective to any 
particular planet, and is merely a description of its being.  Unattainable.  

What does it mean for a planet to be unattainable?  In short, it simply means what it says.   I
n long, certain planetz show an existence.  They show an image of what it is they e
ither are, or what they would like to be.  Regardless of which image is portrayed, certain planetz and what they s
how fall into favor with some.  They actually fall into favor with most.  And the planetz will be nurturing, representing a place of safety, warmth, kindness, and appeal that some cannot help but to fall "victim" to.  And people will begin to revolve around these planetz as if they were their moon or some kind of man made sattlelite.  What the people are drawn to is the planetz' portrayal.  For the beauty in which the planet is displayed, overcomes all else.  Its very nature, becomes the object of one's affection.  The rolling seas, statuesk peaks, grassy knolls, glowing volcanoes, and silent forest.  Unattainable.

Some however are lucky enough to actually come into physical grips in attaining these planetz though.  Alas however, when they think they have it in their grasps, the planet much like the Tao, then seems like it is 10,000 miles away.  This happens for several reasons.  The planetz that fall into this category are often truly unattainable to most people.  It is because people paint their own pictures, and are never fully satisfied.  It is what we lable the; "selfishness of people".  Another reason the planetz are unattainable is because of their own issues with how they, the planetz, see themselves.  The portrayal of unattainableness sometimes becomes a frame, in which the planetz cannot seem to get out of, even if it is how they look at themselves.  

Out of all of this, one thing holds true though.  When the planetz decide of themselves to give themselves, the receiver will reap the true vision of him/herself.  I've seen this, and it is a very wonderful sight.   

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The simple "want" dynamic

The things that we think want aren't always what we want.  This doesn't aim to only toward dealings with the opposite sex either.  It can be used for example in talking about the want of knowledge, food, a nice car, or a change in "luck".  It is how we differentiate what is special, and what is considered a fleeting moment that spans a few beats of our hearts.  There are a few ways to find these differences out.  Most people move through life wanting things, and the universe/god/chaos theory/positive-negative energies/the all will, at times, grant it to them.  Only to find out that after they get what it is they had sought after/dreamt about/wished for/lusted after/craved for/lost sleep over/ wasn't all their own minds had built it up to be.  This is a shortcoming of the mind, and not of what was wanted.  

Others however, play the fringe a little longer.  They may feel the pangs of lust, wants, and desires, but abstain from totally giving in to them.  This helps them to get a clear view, and asses their entire situation.  Playing the fringe can help when because it allows a person to take in tiny pieces, satisfying small portions of the "appetite" instead of filling one's self too quickly.  Satisfaction is most likely to be found this way.  This is not to say that satisfaction cannot be found in the former, but only that it is more difficult to attain in that sense.    

Monday, June 30, 2008

a few places on target for a little r&r at points in the future

somewherez, indonesia (hi anna!)


new zealand would be a nice starting point.

australia with a light dusking of sunset
fiji under the sun

tahiti under the moon

while not in the southpacific, vietnam is still dope!
new zealand is but one of the testaments to the beauty of this planet...indeed...

easter island need no co-signer

decisionz in percision

what weight do our decisions hold? i suppose that question is as subjective as asking how beautiful a random painting is. life comes at us at a million miles per millisecond, and doesn't really care how ready we are for its twists, turns, curvatures, indents, bends, reversals, or infrequent stops. how we make those decisions shape who we are i suppose. many centuries ago a man sat at the base of a hill and decided he had to end another persons life. his decision could have help affect the price of rubies at the close of the market on friday. let me not get into chaos theory though. tough decision making comes with the territory of being human. and while hurting someone is not the M.O in most occasions, it tends to happen from time to time. suffice to say the ultimate decision making comes from those who travel with a clear conscious. truth is, sometimes you get what you ask for, and you realize that running your thoughts wild into the universe actually has an impact on it. most people dismiss this as coincidence however. yet others feel the vibration when it comes back, but still remain confused as to what to do, even though their wish/want/prayer, came back to them as they asked. suffice to say if you were trapped on a desert island with a tiger bearing its two paws down on your shoulders ready to rip your face off, you would plead, even if only in your thoughts, for your life. but then, what would YOU then eat? seems like it would be an important decision you would have to make at that point.

Friday, June 27, 2008


It has occurred to me that men, whether in the face of adversity or not, tend to intensely enjoy hearing themselves speak. They do this so much so, their thoughts tend to be drowned out in favor of the sound of their own voices. If this continues, it becomes very hard to contain, and festers like a disease. It corrupts logical thought, and becomes an addiction. To fall victim to such a thing, seems similar to that of speaking of the delights of a great meal, yet never being able to actually taste its delights.