The thing about the unattainable planetz is they're aura and mystic.
It adds to their allure and constantly doubles over on itself creating an increased sense of increased aura, also giving back to the mystic, which continues to grow exponentially if you know what I mean. If you do not, then I will explain. If aura and mystic add to the allure of a planet, the allure in turn adds to the aura and mystic, and
continue to grow until one is overwhelmed. I've seen it in action from a subjective point of view, and as a victim as well. The word victim shouldn't be taken in a negative connotation either, as it simply describes how I was at a point where I could not be subjective any longer, falling "victim" to defending the planet and its actions. This however, isn't about falling victim or being subjective to any
particular planet, and is merely a description of its being. Unattainable.

What does it mean for a planet to be unattainable? In short, it simply means what it says. I
n long, certain planetz show an existence. They show an image of what it is they e
ither are, or what they would like to be. Regardless of which image is portrayed, certain planetz and what they s
how fall into favor with some. They actually fall into favor with most. And the planetz will be nurturing, representing a place of safety, warmth, kindness, and appeal that some cannot help but to fall "victim" to. And people will begin to revolve around these planetz as if they were their moon or some kind of man made sattlelite. What the people are drawn to is the planetz' portrayal. For the beauty in which the planet is displayed, overcomes all else. Its very nature, becomes the object of one's affection. The rolling seas, statuesk peaks, grassy knolls, glowing volcanoes, and silent forest. Unattainable.
Some however are lucky enough to actually come into physical grips in attaining these planetz though. Alas however, when they think they have it in their grasps, the planet much like the Tao, then seems like it is 10,000 miles away. This happens for several reasons. The planetz that fall into this category are often truly unattainable to most people. It is because people paint their own pictures, and are never fully satisfied. It is what we lable the; "selfishness of people". Another reason the planetz are unattainable is because of their own issues with how they, the planetz, see themselves. The portrayal of unattainableness sometimes becomes a frame, in which the planetz cannot seem to get out of, even if it is how they look at themselves.

Out of all of this, one thing holds true though. When the planetz decide of themselves to give themselves, the receiver will reap the true vision of him/herself. I've seen this, and it is a very wonderful sight.